createUmamiTracker function

Future<UmamiTracker> createUmamiTracker({
  1. required String url,
  2. required String id,
  3. required String hostname,
  4. String? firstReferrer,
  5. bool isEnabled = true,

Constructs a new UmamiTracker to start tracking pageviews and events.

This function will fetch the language of the user's device and the size of the screen. Also it will call FkUserAgent.init() which is needed for obtaining the user agent. Then it will return a UmamiTracker with all the values provided.

Required parameters:

  • url: Remote server address of the Umami instance, example:
  • id: Id of the configured site. You can found it within the tracking code. Example: 9f65dd3f-f2be-4b27-8b58-d76f83510beb
  • hostname: The name of the configured host. You should use the value that you set when configuring the site in the Umami dashboard. Example:
  • permanentReferrer: If provided, it will be used as a referrer for all pageviews that doesn't include an explicit referrer. This could be used to track the app store or source from where the app was obtained.
  • firstReferrer: Optionally provide a first referrer value that will be attached to the first pageview without an explicit referrer. After that, this value won't be used again. This could be useful to track the app store or source from where the app was obtained, without sending the value multiple times throughout the lifespan of the session.
  • isEnabled: Set if this tracker is enabled or not. When disabled, calling trackScreenView() or trackEvent() won't have any effect. Defaults to true.


Future<UmamiTracker> createUmamiTracker({
  required String url,
  required String id,
  required String hostname,
  String? firstReferrer,
  bool isEnabled = true,
}) async {
  final locale = WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.locale;
  final size = Size(window.physicalSize.width, window.physicalSize.height);
  await FkUserAgent.init();

  final dio = Dio()..options.baseUrl = url;

  return UmamiTracker(
    dio: dio,
    id: id,
    hostname: hostname,
    language: locale.toString(),
    screenSize: '${size.width.toInt()}x${size.height.toInt()}',
    userAgent: FkUserAgent.webViewUserAgent ?? '',
    firstReferrer: firstReferrer,
    isEnabled: isEnabled,