format method

Future<void> format(
  1. String type, {
  2. bool takeOwnership = false,
  3. dynamic encryptPassphrase,
  4. UDisksFormatEraseMethod? erase,
  5. bool updatePartitionType = false,
  6. bool noBlock = false,
  7. bool dryRunFirst = false,
  8. bool noDiscard = false,
  9. Iterable<UDisksConfigurationItem> configItems = const [],
  10. bool tearDown = false,

Formats the device with a file system, partition table or other well-known content.


Future<void> format(String type,
    {bool takeOwnership = false,
    dynamic encryptPassphrase,
    UDisksFormatEraseMethod? erase,
    bool updatePartitionType = false,
    bool noBlock = false,
    bool dryRunFirst = false,
    bool noDiscard = false,
    Iterable<UDisksConfigurationItem> configItems = const [],
    bool tearDown = false}) async {
  var options = <String, DBusValue>{};
  if (takeOwnership) {
    options['take-ownership'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  if (encryptPassphrase != null) {
    if (encryptPassphrase is String) {
      options['encrypt.passphrase'] = DBusString(encryptPassphrase);
    } else if (encryptPassphrase is List<int>) {
      options['encrypt.passphrase'] = DBusArray.byte(encryptPassphrase);
    } else {
      throw FormatException('encryptPassphrase must be String or List<int>');
  if (erase != null) {
    String value;
    switch (erase) {
        value = 'zero';
      case UDisksFormatEraseMethod.ataSecureErase:
        value = 'ata-secure-erase';
      case UDisksFormatEraseMethod.ataSecureEraseEnhanced:
        value = 'ata-secure-erase-enhanced';
    options['erase'] = DBusString(value);
  if (updatePartitionType) {
    options['update-partition-type'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  if (noBlock) {
    options['no-block'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  if (dryRunFirst) {
    options['dry-run-first'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  if (noDiscard) {
    options['no-discard'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  if (configItems.isNotEmpty) {
    options['config-items'] = DBusArray(DBusSignature('(sa{sv})'), => _encodeConfigurationItem(item)));
  if (tearDown) {
    options['tear-down'] = DBusBoolean(true);
  await _object.callMethod(_blockInterfaceName, 'Format',
      [DBusString(type), DBusDict.stringVariant(options)],
      replySignature: DBusSignature(''));