UaePassAPI constructor

  1. required String clientId,
  2. required String redirectUri,
  3. required String clientSecrete,
  4. required String appScheme,
  5. required bool isProduction,
  6. String? language,

Constructs a new instance of the UaePassAPI class.

clientId: The client ID provided by UAE Pass. redirectUri: The URI to which the user should be redirected after authentication. clientSecrete: The client secret provided by UAE Pass. appScheme: The scheme used by the Flutter application. isProduction: Indicates whether the app is running in production mode. language: Language parameter to be sent to render English or Arabic login pages of UAEPASS (English page : en Arabic page : ar).


UaePassAPI( {
  required String clientId,
  required String redirectUri,
  required String clientSecrete,
  required String appScheme,
  required bool isProduction,
  String? language,
})  : _isProduction = isProduction,
      _appScheme = appScheme,
      _clientSecrete = clientSecrete,
      _redirectUri = redirectUri,
      _clientId = clientId,
      _language = language;