removeEventListener property

({void Function<K$>(SharedWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2}) get removeEventListener

Overload accessor: $1, $2


  /// Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options.
  /// [MDN Reference](
  void Function<K$>(
    _i3.SharedWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap<K$> type,
    _i2.dynamic Function(K$) listener, [
    _i2.Object? options,
  ]) $1,

  /// Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options.
  /// [MDN Reference](
  void Function(
    _i2.String type,
    _i2.Object listener, [
    _i2.Object? options,
  ]) $2,
}) get removeEventListener => (
      $1: _removeEventListener$1,
      $2: _removeEventListener$2,