logError property

({void Function(String eventName, [dynamic data]) $1, void Function(Error error, [dynamic data]) $2}) logError

Overload accessor: $1, $2


  /// Log an error event.
  ///  After completing cleaning, telemetry setting checks, and data mix-in calls `TelemetrySender.sendEventData` to log the event. Differs from `logUsage` in that it will log the event if the telemetry setting is Error+.
  ///  Automatically supports echoing to extension telemetry output channel.
  ///  @param eventName The event name to log
  ///  @param data The data to log
  void Function(
    _i2.String eventName, [
    _i2.dynamic data,
  ]) $1,

  /// Log an error event.
  ///  Calls `TelemetrySender.sendErrorData`. Does cleaning, telemetry checks, and data mix-in.
  ///  Automatically supports echoing to extension telemetry output channel.
  ///  Will also automatically log any exceptions thrown within the extension host process.
  ///  @param error The error object which contains the stack trace cleaned of PII
  ///  @param data Additional data to log alongside the stack trace
  void Function(
    _i7.Error error, [
    _i2.dynamic data,
  ]) $2,
}) get logError => (
      $1: _logError$1,
      $2: _logError$2,