translate property

({Position Function(IInline0 change) $1, Position Function([num? lineDelta, num? characterDelta]) $2}) get translate

Overload accessor: $1, $2


  /// Derived a new position relative to this position.
  ///  @param change An object that describes a delta to this position.
  ///  @returns A position that reflects the given delta. Will return `this` position if the change
  ///  is not changing anything.
  _i3.Position Function(_i3.IInline0 change) $1,

  /// Create a new position relative to this position.
  ///  @param lineDelta Delta value for the line value, default is `0`.
  ///  @param characterDelta Delta value for the character value, default is `0`.
  ///  @returns A position which line and character is the sum of the current line and
  ///  character and the corresponding deltas.
  _i3.Position Function([
    _i2.num? lineDelta,
    _i2.num? characterDelta,
  ]) $2,
}) get translate => (
      $1: _translate$1,
      $2: _translate$2,