doMouseMove method

void doMouseMove()

Iterate over the #mouseMoveTools list and start the first tool for which its Tool#canStart predicate returns true.

Starting a tool replaces the Diagram#currentTool with the new tool. Successfully doing so also activates the new tool by calling Tool#doActivate and passes on the mouse-move event to it by calling Tool#doMouseMove.

If no tool is found and activated, this:

  • Calls Tool#standardMouseOver to invoke any mouse-enter, mouse-over, or mouse-leave functions.
  • if the mouse has moved sufficiently, such that Tool#isBeyondDragSize is true, this also calls Tool#standardWaitAfter for a possible call to #doWaitAfter after #hoverDelay milliseconds.
  • Sets the Diagram#lastInput to bubble.

This method may be overridden, but you should consider calling this base method in order to get all of its functionality. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose


void doMouseMove() {