standardWaitAfter method

void standardWaitAfter(
  1. num delay, [
  2. InputEvent? event

This is called to start a new timer to call #doWaitAfter after a given delay. It first cancels any previously running "WaitAfter" timer, by calling #cancelWaitAfter.

This is normally used to implement mouse hover and mouse hold events. If the mouse has moved, it must not have moved beyond the distance as determined by Tool#isBeyondDragSize for it be considered "stationary". So the regular ToolManager#doMouseMove implementation only calls this method when the mouse has moved beyond the drag size.

This method is rarely overridden. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose @param {number} delay The delay, in milliseconds. @param {InputEvent=} event An optional event that caused this timer. Defaults to Diagram#lastInput. This gets passed on to #doWaitAfter.


void standardWaitAfter(
  _i2.num delay, [
  _i3.InputEvent? event,
]) {
      event ?? _i5.undefined,