standardPinchZoomMove method

void standardPinchZoomMove()

Continues pinch-zooming (started by #standardPinchZoomStart on multi-touch devices.

This is called by ToolManager#doMouseMove if the Diagram#lastInput has InputEvent#isMultiTouch set to true and #canStartMultiTouch returns true. By default this calls #doCancel in order to cancel the regular tool behavior caused by the multitouch events. This then calculates the appropriate zoom level and calls CommandHandler#canResetZoom to decide whether to call CommandHandler#resetZoom to actually set Diagram#scale. This method may be overridden. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose @see #canStartMultiTouch @see #standardPinchZoomStart @since 1.5


void standardPinchZoomMove() {