font property

String font

Gets or sets the current font settings. The font property must be a valid CSS string describing a font. The font string can accept several CSS properties but they must be in a specific order in order to render correctly across all browsers:

"font-style font-variant font-weight font-size font-family"

For example, "Italic small-caps bold 32px Georgia, Serif" is a valid font string using every CSS font property. Not every browser can render every font option. For more information about CSS font syntax, see CSS fonts (

If your Node sizes depend on TextBlocks, it is best to ensure any custom fonts you are using are finished loading before you load your Diagram. This will ensure nodes are sized appropriately for the initial Diagram layout.

The default font is "13px sans-serif".


_i2.String get font => _i4.getProperty(
void font=(String value)


set font(_i2.String value) {