isClockwiseArc property

bool get isClockwiseArc

Gets or sets the clockwise-flag for a PathSegment of type PathSegment.SvgArc|SvgArc. SVG Arcs specify a radius and an endpoint, and are always a portion of an ellipse. The parameters allow for two potential ellipses and four potential arcs. A clockwise-flag set to true will use one of the two possible positive-angle arcs, and false will use one of the two negative-angle arcs. Which arc is chosen (small or large) depends on the value of #isLargeArc. For more information see the visual examples in the SVG Arc specification (


_i2.bool get isClockwiseArc => _i4.getProperty(
set isClockwiseArc (bool value)


set isClockwiseArc(_i2.bool value) {