location property

Point location

Gets or sets the position of this part in document coordinates, based on the #locationSpot in this part's #locationObject.

Value must be of type Point. The initial value is Point(NaN, NaN). It is commonplace to data bind this property to some property on your model node data.

The value is related to the GraphObject#position. For Parts, both are in document coordinates; setting one property will set the other property. By default both will have the same value. However, by setting either or both of #locationSpot and #locationObjectName, the location will be determined by a spot in the #locationObject, a GraphObject that is in the visual tree of this Part. The GraphObject#position will always refer to the point at the top-left corner of the whole part.

The #minLocation and #maxLocation limit the location of a part, not its position. Grid snapping will normally locate the location to be on grid points.


_i3.Point get location => _i4.getProperty(
void location=(Point value)


set location(_i3.Point value) {