isLayoutPositioned property

bool isLayoutPositioned

Gets or sets whether a Layout positions this Node or routes this Link. This property affects the value of #canLayout.

The initial value is true, meaning that this part is laid out by the layout responsible for this Part. If this part is a member of a Group, it is the Group#layout, otherwise it is the Diagram#layout.

A value of false means that this part is not affected by and does not affect any automatic layout, so the #layoutConditions property is ignored. You will need to make sure that it has a real #location or GraphObject#position value, or else the Part might not be visible anywhere in the diagram.

Another way of controlling when layouts are invalidated is by setting Part#layoutConditions or Layout#isInitial or Layout#isOngoing.


_i2.bool get isLayoutPositioned => _i4.getProperty(
void isLayoutPositioned=(bool value)


set isLayoutPositioned(_i2.bool value) {