findLinksBetween method
Returns an iterator over all of the Links that go from this node to another node or vice-versa, perhaps limited to a given port id on this node and a port id on the other node.
If you want all of the links between two nodes in just one direction, use #findLinksTo. @param {Node} othernode @param {string|null=} pid A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search. @param {string|null=} otherpid A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search. @return {Iterator.} @since 1.2
_i3.Iterator<_i3.Link> findLinksBetween(
_i3.Node othernode, [
_i2.String? pid,
_i2.String? otherpid,
]) =>
pid ?? _i5.undefined,
otherpid ?? _i5.undefined,