nodeDataArray property

Array<Object> nodeDataArray

Gets or sets the array of node data objects that correspond to Nodes, Groups, or non-Link Parts in the Diagram. The initial value is an empty Array.

For each Object in the Array, #getKeyForNodeData should return a number or string uniquely identifying the node data within the model. If it returns undefined, this calls #makeNodeDataKeyUnique, to make sure the node data has a unique key. These key values may be used by other objects to refer to that particular node data object. If more than one node data object has the same key, there may be some confusion about which object to reference.

If you want to use a custom data property for holding the unique key value on a node data object, you should set #nodeKeyProperty before you set this nodeDataArray property.

Adding or removing data from this Array will not notify this model or the diagram that there are any new nodes or that any nodes have been deleted. Instead you should call #addNodeData or #removeNodeData.


_i7.Array<_i2.Object> get nodeDataArray => _i4.getProperty(
void nodeDataArray=(Array<Object> value)


set nodeDataArray(_i7.Array<_i2.Object> value) {