copyNodeDataFunction property

(Object Function(Object, Model)?) copyNodeDataFunction

Gets or sets a function that makes a copy of a node data object.

You may need to set this property in order to ensure that a copied Node is bound to data that does not share certain data structures between the original node data and the copied node data. This property value may be null in order to cause #copyNodeData to make a shallow copy of a JavaScript Object. The default value is null.

The first argument to the function will be a node data object (potentially a Part's Panel#data). The second argument to the function will be this Model itself.

It is common to implement a copying function when the node data has an Array of data and that Array needs to be copied rather than shared. Often the objects that are in the Array also need to be copied.


_i2.Object Function(
)? get copyNodeDataFunction => (
      _i2.Object p0,
      _i3.Model p1,
    ) =>
void copyNodeDataFunction=(Object value(Object, Model)?)


set copyNodeDataFunction(
    _i2.Object Function(
    )? value) {
    value == null ? _i5.undefined : _i4.allowInterop(value),