applyIncrementalJson method

void applyIncrementalJson(
  1. Object s

Modify this model by applying the changes given in an "incremental" model change in JSON format generated by #toIncrementalJson. The expected properties of the argument are described at #toIncrementalJson. Incremental changes must be applied in the same order that the changes occurred in the original model.

This requires the "incremental" property to be present and to be a number, as specified by #toIncrementalJson. All of the top-level properties in the JSON, such as #nodeKeyProperty, must be the same as for this model. Note that if the model is a GraphLinksModel, you will have to have set GraphLinksModel#linkKeyProperty to the name of a property, the same both in the Diagram#model as well as in the data that you pass to this method.

This conducts a transaction. @param {string|ObjectData} s a String in JSON format containing modifications to be performed to the model, or a JavaScript Object parsed from such a string @since 1.6


void applyIncrementalJson(_i2.Object s) {