removeRange method

List<T> removeRange(
  1. num from,
  2. num to

Removes a range of values from the List, given both the starting and the ending zero-based indexes. For example,

list.removeRange(2, 4)

will remove elements 2, 3, and 4 from the list. If there were two or fewer elements in the list to begin with, the list is unchanged. If from is greater than to, the list is unchanged. If from is greater than or equal to the length, the list is unchanged. If to is less than zero, the list is unchanged.

Be careful not to call this method while iterating over the collection. @param {number} from int The starting index of the range to remove, inclusive; negative values are treated as zero @param {number} to int The ending index of the range to remove, inclusive; values greater than the length of the list are treated as referring to the last element @return {List.


_i3.List<T> removeRange(
  _i2.num from,
  _i2.num to,
) =>