doMouseUp method

void doMouseUp()

A mouse-up ends the linking operation; if there is a valid #targetPort nearby, this adds a new Link by calling #insertLink.

If there is a new link, it is selected and the "LinkDrawn" DiagramEvent is raised with the new link as the DiagramEvent#subject. If there is no new link, this calls #doNoLink. In any case this stops the tool.

This method also raises the "ChangingSelection" and "ChangedSelection" diagram events. Changes are performed in a "Linking" transaction, but the "ChangedSelection" event is raised outside the transaction.

This method may be overridden, but we recommend that you call this base method. It is usually easier to override #insertLink or just set #archetypeLinkData. It is also common to implement a "LinkDrawn" DiagramEvent listener on the Diagram.


void doMouseUp() {