doActivate method
Start the linking operation.
This calls #findLinkablePort to find the port from which to start drawing a new link. If the #startObject is already set, it uses that object to find the starting port. If it is not set, it looks for a linkable port at the Diagram#firstInput point. If it finds one, it remembers it as the starting port, otherwise it stops this tool.
It then starts a transaction, captures the mouse, and changes the cursor. Next it initializes and adds the LinkingBaseTool#temporaryFromNode, LinkingBaseTool#temporaryToNode, and LinkingBaseTool#temporaryLink to the diagram. The temporary nodes that are positioned and sized to be like the real LinkingBaseTool#originalFromPort and LinkingBaseTool#originalToPort ports. The temporary link connects the two temporary ports, of course.
This method may be overridden, but we recommend that you call this base method.
void doActivate() {