archetypeLinkData property

Object? archetypeLinkData

Gets or sets a data object that is copied by #insertLink and added to the GraphLinksModel when creating a new Link. The default value is an empty Object, which will be copied. The value must be an Object for the linking operation to succeed. A null value will cause #insertLink to fail.

The copied link data's GraphLinksModel#linkFromKeyProperty and GraphLinksModel#linkToKeyProperty properties are set to the corresponding node's data's key values. If the ports have GraphObject#portId values that are not null, the link data's GraphLinksModel#linkFromPortIdProperty and GraphLinksModel#linkToPortIdProperty properties are also set.

Setting this property does not raise any events. This property is ignored if the Diagram#model is not a GraphLinksModel.


_i2.Object? get archetypeLinkData => _i4.getProperty(
void archetypeLinkData=(Object? value)


set archetypeLinkData(_i2.Object? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,