archetypeLabelNodeData property

Object? get archetypeLabelNodeData

Gets or sets an optional node data object representing a link label, that is copied by #insertLink and added to the GraphLinksModel when creating a new Link.

The default value is null, which causes no such label node data to be added to the model along with the new link data.

#insertLink calls GraphLinksModel#addLabelKeyForLinkData to associate the label node data with the link data.

Setting this property does not raise any events. This property is ignored if the Diagram#model is not a GraphLinksModel.


_i2.Object? get archetypeLabelNodeData => _i4.getProperty(
set archetypeLabelNodeData (Object? value)


set archetypeLabelNodeData(_i2.Object? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,