setNoTargetPortProperties method
Reset a temporary port's properties to neutral values when there is no target port.
This is called by #doMouseMove when the tool finds no new valid target port. If #findTargetPort returns non-null, it calls #copyPortProperties instead.
If the #portTargeted property is a function, that function is called with null values as the first two arguments. It is easier to customize the behavior by setting that functional property than it is to override this method and the #copyPortProperties method. But you may want to call this method to get the standard behavior for dynamically adapting the temporary node/port to "act like" it is not connecting with any target port. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.
void setNoTargetPortProperties(
_i3.Node tempnode,
_i3.GraphObject tempport,
_i2.bool toend,
) {