computeSpot method
Get the Spot that describes how the end of the link should connect with the port.
Depending on the from
argument, this will return #fromSpot or #toSpot.
If the value is Spot#isDefault, this will return the #fromPort's GraphObject#fromSpot
or the #toPort's GraphObject#toSpot.
This method may be overridden. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose @param {boolean} from @param {GraphObject=} port @return {Spot} must not be Spot.Default, but may be Spot.None @since 1.6
_i3.Spot computeSpot(
_i2.bool from, [
_i3.GraphObject? port,
]) =>
port ?? _i5.undefined,