addOrthoPoints method

void addOrthoPoints(
  1. Point startFrom,
  2. num fromDir,
  3. Point endTo,
  4. num toDir,
  5. Node fromnode,
  6. Node tonode,

(undocumented) This method is called by #computePoints when the link is orthogonal and at least one port has a link spot that is not Spot#isNoSpot.

#computePoints is responsible for adding the first two and the last two points of the stroke, including the startFrom and endTo values. This method is responsible for adding any additional points in the middle of the stroke. This method calls #computeMidOrthoPosition to determine the distance of the middle segment between the two ports. It also tries to avoid the source node and the destination node. When the #routing property is not Normal, this method uses another, more computationally expensive, method for determining the proper path of the link, which may have many segments. @expose @param {Point} startFrom this Point will already have been added to the stroke by #computePoints before calling this method. @param {number} fromDir Normally 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. @param {Point} endTo #computePoints will add this Point after calling this method. @param {number} toDir Normally 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. @param {Node} fromnode the Node that the link is coming from. @param {Node} tonode the Node that the link is going to.


void addOrthoPoints(
  _i3.Point startFrom,
  _i2.num fromDir,
  _i3.Point endTo,
  _i2.num toDir,
  _i3.Node fromnode,
  _i3.Node tonode,
) {