addParts method

void addParts(
  1. Iterable<Part> parts, [
  2. bool? toplevelonly,
  3. bool pred(
    1. Part

Creates a network of LayoutVertexes and LayoutEdges corresponding to the given Nodes and Links. This is usually more convenient than repeatedly calling #addNode and #addLink. This method ignores all instances of Parts that are not Nodes or Links. This will recurse through Groups that have no Group#layout. @param {Iterable.


void addParts(
  _i3.Iterable<_i3.Part> parts, [
  _i2.bool? toplevelonly,
  _i2.bool Function(_i3.Part)? pred,
]) {
      toplevelonly ?? _i5.undefined,
      pred == null ? _i5.undefined : _i4.allowInterop(pred),