isOngoing property

bool get isOngoing

Gets or sets whether this layout can be invalidated by #invalidateLayout. Set this to false to prevent actions such as adding or removing Parts from invalidating this layout. The default value is true. Setting this property does not invalidate this layout.

If you set both #isInitial and #isOngoing to false, there will be no automatic layout invalidation, because #invalidateLayout will not set #isValidLayout to false. To get your nodes to appear, you will need to explicitly set or data-bind their Part#location or GraphObject#position to real Point values, because automatic layout will not assign any positions.

Another way of controlling when layouts are invalidated is by setting Part#isLayoutPositioned or Part#layoutConditions.


_i2.bool get isOngoing => _i4.getProperty(
set isOngoing (bool value)


set isOngoing(_i2.bool value) {