isInitial property

bool get isInitial

Gets or sets whether this layout is performed on an initial layout. The default value is true. Setting this property to false causes #isValidLayout to be set to true so that the diagram does not perform this layout.

If you set both #isInitial and #isOngoing to false, there will be no automatic layout invalidation, because #invalidateLayout will not set #isValidLayout to false. To get your nodes to appear, you will need to explicitly set or data-bind their Part#location or GraphObject#position to real Point values, because automatic layout will not assign any positions.

Another way of controlling when layouts are invalidated is by setting Part#isLayoutPositioned or Part#layoutConditions.


_i2.bool get isInitial => _i4.getProperty(
set isInitial (bool value)


set isInitial(_i2.bool value) {