boundsComputation property
Gets or sets a function that determines the initial size and position in document coordinates of a LayoutVertex corresponding to a Node. This function is called by #getLayoutBounds. The default value for this property is null, in which case the GraphObject#actualBounds of the Node is used. Setting this property to a new value invalidates this layout.
The non-null value must be a function that takes 3 arguments. The first argument will be the Part whose bounds the Layout should use. The second argument will be this Layout. The third argument will be a Rect that must be modified and returned The return value must be in document coordinates. You may find it convenient to call GraphObject#getDocumentBounds to get the bounds in document coordinates of an object within the node.
_i3.Rect Function(
)? get boundsComputation => (
_i3.Part p0,
_i3.Layout p1,
_i3.Rect p2,
) =>