handlesDragDropForMembers property

bool get handlesDragDropForMembers

Gets or sets whether drag-and-drop events may be bubbled up to this Group if not handled by member Parts. The default value is false -- each Node or Link that is a member of the Group needs to define its own GraphObject#mouseDragEnter, GraphObject#mouseDragLeave, and GraphObject#mouseDrop event handlers if you want dragging/dropping on a member part to act as if the user were acting on the group.

This is currently restricted to only call the mouseDragEnter, mouseDragLeave, and mouseDrop event handlers defined on the whole Group, not on any element inside the Group's visual tree.


_i2.bool get handlesDragDropForMembers => _i4.getProperty(
set handlesDragDropForMembers (bool value)


set handlesDragDropForMembers(_i2.bool value) {