toSpot property

Spot toSpot

Gets or sets where a link should connect to this port. The default value is Spot.None, meaning that the link routing must consider the shape of the port and connect to the closest point.

The value of Link#toSpot, if not Spot.Default, takes precedence over the value at this port when determining the route of the link. A number of the predefined Layouts automatically set Link#fromSpot and Link#toSpot, thereby causing this property and #fromSpot on the port element to be ignored. Depending on the layout, you may be able to disable that behavior, such as by setting ForceDirectedLayout#setsPortSpots, TreeLayout#setsPortSpot, TreeLayout#setsChildPortSpot, or LayeredDigraphLayout#setsPortSpots to false.

For examples of how to use this property, see Link Connection Points.

You must set this property on a GraphObject whose #portId is non-null, unless the whole Node is acting as a single port, in which case this property should be set on the Node.


_i3.Spot get toSpot => _i4.getProperty(
void toSpot=(Spot value)


set toSpot(_i3.Spot value) {