toEndSegmentLength property

num get toEndSegmentLength

Gets or sets the length of the last segment of a link going to this port. This value is used when the computed "to spot" is not Spot.None. The default value is 10.

The value of Link#toEndSegmentLength, if not NaN, takes precedence over the value at this port when determining the route of the link. This value also limits how short the Link#toShortLength may be drawn.

For examples of how to use this property, see Link End Segment Lengths.

You must set this property on a GraphObject whose #portId is non-null, unless the whole Node is acting as a single port, in which case this property should be set on the Node.


_i2.num get toEndSegmentLength => _i4.getProperty(
set toEndSegmentLength (num value)


set toEndSegmentLength(_i2.num value) {