stretch property

EnumValue get stretch

Gets or sets the stretch of the GraphObject. This controls whether the width and/or height of this object automatically adjusts to fill the area allotted by the containing Panel.

The only accepted values are listed as constant properties of GraphObject, such as GraphObject.None, GraphObject.Fill, GraphObject.Horizontal, or GraphObject.Vertical. The default value is GraphObject.Default, which allows the Panel to decide how to treat this object, depending on the type of Panel.

Objects with an #angle that are stretched may look incorrect unless the angle is a multiple of 90.

Stretch will have have different effects based upon the Panel containing this object. Elements of:

  • Auto panels will not stretch, except the main element growing to fill the panel or being made uniform
  • Horizontal panels will only stretch vertically
  • Vertical panels will only stretch horizontally
  • Spot panels will stretch to the size of the main element
  • Table panels will stretch to the size of their cell, defined by their row and column, which is usually determined by other GraphObjects in that cell that are not stretching
  • Grid panels, Link panels, and Graduated panels will not stretch


_i3.EnumValue get stretch => _i4.getProperty(
set stretch (EnumValue value)


set stretch(_i3.EnumValue value) {