part property

Part? get part

This read-only property returns the Part containing this object, if any. The Part will be the root GraphObject in this GraphObject's visual tree.

It is common to refer to the containing Part of a GraphObject in order to refer to the Panel#data to which it is bound.

This property is not settable. If you want this GraphObject to belong to a Part, you will need to add it to a Part, or else add it to some visual tree structure that is added to a Part using Panel#add.

Note that for objects such as buttons that are in Adornments such as tooltips or context menus, this property will return that Adornment, not the Node or Link that is adorned.

If you want to find a Group that contains a Part, use the Part#containingGroup property: someObj.part.containingGroup


_i3.Part? get part => _i4.getProperty(
set part (Part? value)


set part(_i3.Part? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,