margin property

Object get margin

Gets or sets the size of empty area around this GraphObject, as a Margin, in the containing Panel coordinates.

Negative values are permitted but may cause overlaps with adjacent objects in a Panel. You cannot modify the top or left or right or bottom of the value of this property -- if you want to change the margin you must set this property to a different Margin. Default margin is Margin(0,0,0,0).

For most uses, increasing a margin will increase the space this GraphObject takes in its containing panel. When an object has a GraphObject#stretch value applied, margins may decrease the size of that object.

The property setter accepts a number instead of a Margin object: providing a number N will result in using a Margin(N, N, N, N). The property getter will always return a Margin.


_i2.Object get margin => _i4.getProperty(
set margin (Object value)


set margin(_i2.Object value) {