fromEndSegmentLength property

num get fromEndSegmentLength

Gets or sets the length of the first segment of a link coming from this port. This value is used when the computed "from spot" is not Spot.None. The default value is 10. This value also limits how short the Link#fromShortLength may be drawn.

The value of Link#fromEndSegmentLength, if not NaN, takes precedence over the value at this port when determining the route of the link.

For examples of how to use this property, see Link End Segment Lengths.

You must set this property on a GraphObject whose #portId is non-null, unless the whole Node is acting as a single port, in which case this property should be set on the Node.


_i2.num get fromEndSegmentLength => _i4.getProperty(
set fromEndSegmentLength (num value)


set fromEndSegmentLength(_i2.num value) {