desiredSize property

Size desiredSize

Gets or sets the desired size of this GraphObject in local coordinates. Value must be of type Size. Default is Size(NaN, NaN). You cannot modify the width or height of the value of this property -- if you want to change the desiredSize you must set this property to a different Size.

Getting or setting #width or #height is equivalent to getting or setting the width or height of this property.

The size does not include any transformation due to #scale or #angle, nor any pen thickness due to Shape#strokeWidth if this is a Shape. If there is a containing Panel the Panel will determine the actual size. If the desiredSize is greater than the allowed size that the GraphObject's Panel determines, then the GraphObject may be visually clipped. If the desiredSize does not meet the constraints of #minSize and #maxSize, the GraphObject will be resized to meet them.


_i3.Size get desiredSize => _i4.getProperty(
void desiredSize=(Size value)


set desiredSize(_i3.Size value) {