actualBounds property

Rect get actualBounds

This read-only property returns the bounds of this GraphObject in container coordinates. This means that the actualBounds are in the coordinate space of the GraphObject's Panel, unless this is a Part, in which case they are in the Diagram's coordinate system.

You must not modify any of the properties of the Rect that is the value of this property.

If this GraphObject is a Part, then the x and y values of the actualBounds are identical to that Part's #position, and the width and height values of the actualBounds represent the rectangular space occupied by the Part in Diagram#documentBounds coordinates.

If this GraphObject is not a top-level object (not a Part), then the actualBounds x and y values represent that GraphObject's position within its Panel. In a Panel of type Panel.Position this is identical to the GraphObject's #position, but in other cases it is dependent on the unique workings of each Panel type. The actualBounds width and height of a GraphObject are the final size after the #scale and #angle are applied.

It is possible for a GraphObject (be it an GraphObject or a Panel containing several more GraphObjects) to have no containing Part, in which case these GraphObjects cannot possibly be in a Diagram. These GraphObjects are unlikely to have real-number values for their actualBounds, as they may never have had the chance to be measured and arranged.

As with all read-only properties, using this property as a binding source is unlikely to be useful.


_i3.Rect get actualBounds => _i4.getProperty(
set actualBounds (Rect value)


set actualBounds(_i3.Rect value) {