archetypeNodeData property

Object? archetypeNodeData

Gets or sets a data object that will be copied and added to the model as a new node data each time there is a link reference (either the "to" or the "from" of a link data) to a node key that does not yet exist in the model.

The default value is null -- node data is not automatically copied and added to the model when there is an unresolved reference in a link data. When adding or modifying a link data if there is a "from" or "to" key value for which Model#findNodeDataForKey returns null, it will call Model#copyNodeData on this property value and Model#addNodeData on the result.


_i2.Object? get archetypeNodeData => _i4.getProperty(
void archetypeNodeData=(Object? value)


set archetypeNodeData(_i2.Object? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,