setProperties method
This method sets a collection of properties according to the property/value pairs that have been set on the given Object, in the same manner as GraphObject.make does when constructing a Diagram with an argument that is a simple JavaScript Object.
This method does not use TypeScript compile-time type checking like Diagram#set does, but is considerably more flexible in allowing you to set sub-properties and DiagramEvents by quoted string names.
You can set properties on an object that is the value of a property of the Diagram,
or on the Diagram#toolManager, Diagram#animationManager, or Diagram#commandHandler
by using a ""
syntax for the property name.
At the current time only a single dot is permitted in the property "name".
The property name may also be the name of a DiagramEvent, in which case this calls #addDiagramListener with that DiagramEvent name.
allowDelete: false,
"animationManager.isEnabled": false, // turn off automatic animations
// specify a group membership validation predicate
"commandHandler.memberValidation": (group, part) => return ...,
"commandHandler.copiesTree": true, // for the copy command
// mouse wheel zooms instead of scrolls
"toolManager.mouseWheelBehavior": go.ToolManager.WheelZoom,
"draggingTool.dragsTree": true, // dragging for both move and copy
"draggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
layout: $(go.TreeLayout),
// add a DiagramEvent listener
"ExternalObjectsDropped": e => e.subject.each(part => { ... })
@param {Object} props a plain JavaScript object with various property values to be set on this Diagram or on a part of this Diagram. @since 1.5 @return {Diagram} this Diagram @see #attach a synonym of this method @see #set a type-safe method to set a collection of properties
_i3.Diagram setProperties(_i2.Object props) => _i4.callMethod(