initialContentAlignment property

Spot initialContentAlignment

Gets or sets the initial content alignment Spot of this Diagram, to be used in determining how parts are positioned initially relative to the viewport, when the #viewportBounds width or height is larger than the #documentBounds.

For instance a spot of Spot.Center would ensure that the Diagram's contents are initially centered in the viewport.

To initially align the document when the documentBounds are larger than the viewport, use #initialDocumentSpot and #initialViewportSpot.

If you want the content to be constantly aligned with a spot, use #contentAlignment instead.

The default value is Spot.Default, which causes no automatic scrolling or positioning.

Setting this property has the same effect as implementing an "InitialLayoutCompleted" DiagramEvent listener that scrolls the viewport to align the content.


_i3.Spot get initialContentAlignment => _i4.getProperty(
void initialContentAlignment=(Spot value)


set initialContentAlignment(_i3.Spot value) {