div property

HTMLDivElement? get div

Gets or sets the Diagram's HTMLDivElement, via an HTML Element ID. This is typically set automatically when a Div is supplied as an argument to Diagram's constructor.

Setting this property to a new value will clobber any HTML and inner DOM elements inside of both the new and the old divs. It will then populate the Div with the elements (inner Divs, Canvases) needed for the Diagram to function.

If you want to disassociate the Diagram from the HTML Div element, set Diagram#div to null. If you remove a part of the HTML DOM containing a Div with a Diagram, you will need to set #div to null in order for the page to recover the memory.

You should not attempt to manually modify the contents of this Div. Changing this property value does not raise a Changed event.


_i6.HTMLDivElement? get div => _i4.getProperty(
set div (HTMLDivElement? value)


set div(_i6.HTMLDivElement? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,