showDefaultContextMenu method

void showDefaultContextMenu()

This is the HTMLInfo#show method for the #defaultTouchContextMenu.

If the object's containing Part is data-bound, set the contextmenu's to the same value. The Adornment#adornedObject property is set to the GraphObject for which the menu is being shown.

The menu carries some default CSS styling and uses the following CSS classes:

  • goCXforeground for the DIV containing the buttons
  • goCXbackground for the darker DIV behind the context menu
  • goCXul for the HTML ul items
  • goCXli for the HTML li tag items
  • goCXa for the HTML a tag items

This method may be overridden. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose


void showDefaultContextMenu() {