makeTwoWay method

Binding makeTwoWay([
  1. BackConversion? backconv

Modify this Binding to set its #mode to be Binding.TwoWay, and provide an optional conversion function to convert GraphObject property values back to data values, as the value of #backConverter.

Use TwoWay bindings to keep model data in sync with changes to GraphObject properties. For efficiency, avoid TwoWay bindings on GraphObject properties that do not change value in your app. It is typical only to use TwoWay bindings on properties that are modified by tools or commands. Examples include Part#location by DraggingTool and TextBlock#text by TextEditingTool (only if TextBlock#editable is true).

You should not have a TwoWay binding on a node data object's key property. @param {BackConversion=} backconv @return {Binding} this two-way Binding.


_i3.Binding makeTwoWay([_i3.BackConversion? backconv]) => _i4.callMethod(
      [backconv == null ? _i5.undefined : _i4.allowInterop(backconv)],