animationSettings property

dynamic get animationSettings

These settings are only used if the #startCondition is AnimationTrigger.Immediate. Creating a new AnimationTrigger with animationSettings in the constructor automatically sets #startCondition to AnimationTrigger.Immediate

This gets or sets the settings for any Animations this trigger creates. Immediate triggers create a new Animation with each triggering, and apply these settings to that Animation.

This can be set to an object with a subset of possible Animation settings. The default value is null, which keeps default Animation settings.

Since a #startCondition of AnimationTrigger.Bundled uses the default animation, you must set the properties of AnimationManager#defaultAnimation, and not this property, to modify the animation settings.

To set default settings for all created Animations, you can modify the settings on AnimationManager instead, such as AnimationManager#duration.

Possible properties to set in this object are:

  • duration: a number, corresponding to Animation#duration.
  • finished: a Function, corresponding to Animation#finished.
  • easing: an EasingFunction, corresponding to Animation#easing.


_i2.dynamic get animationSettings => _i4.getProperty(
set animationSettings (dynamic value)


set animationSettings(_i2.dynamic value) {