getContext property

({CanvasRenderingContext2D? Function(String contextId, [CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings? options]) $1, ImageBitmapRenderingContext? Function(String contextId, [ImageBitmapRenderingContextSettings? options]) $2, WebGLRenderingContext? Function(String contextId, [WebGLContextAttributes? options]) $3, WebGL2RenderingContext? Function(String contextId, [WebGLContextAttributes? options]) $4, Object? Function(String contextId, [dynamic options]) $5}) getContext

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5


  /// Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
  ///  @param contextId The identifier (ID) of the type of canvas to create. Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 support only a 2-D context using canvas.getContext("2d"); IE11 Preview also supports 3-D or WebGL context using canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
  ///  [MDN Reference](
  _i3.CanvasRenderingContext2D? Function(
    _i2.String contextId, [
    _i3.CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings? options,
  ]) $1,

  /// Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
  _i3.ImageBitmapRenderingContext? Function(
    _i2.String contextId, [
    _i3.ImageBitmapRenderingContextSettings? options,
  ]) $2,

  /// Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
  _i3.WebGLRenderingContext? Function(
    _i2.String contextId, [
    _i3.WebGLContextAttributes? options,
  ]) $3,

  /// Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
  _i3.WebGL2RenderingContext? Function(
    _i2.String contextId, [
    _i3.WebGLContextAttributes? options,
  ]) $4,

  /// Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
  _i2.Object? Function(
    _i2.String contextId, [
    _i2.dynamic options,
  ]) $5,
}) get getContext => (
      $1: _getContext$1,
      $2: _getContext$2,
      $3: _getContext$3,
      $4: _getContext$4,
      $5: _getContext$5,