notify property

({num Function(Int32List typedArray, num index, [num? count]) $1, num Function(BigInt64Array typedArray, num index, [num? count]) $2}) get notify

Overload accessor: $1, $2


  /// Wakes up sleeping agents that are waiting on the given index of the array, returning the
  ///  number of agents that were awoken.
  ///  @param typedArray A shared Int32Array.
  ///  @param index The position in the typedArray to wake up on.
  ///  @param count The number of sleeping agents to notify. Defaults to +Infinity.
  _i2.num Function(
    _i7.Int32List typedArray,
    _i2.num index, [
    _i2.num? count,
  ]) $1,

  /// Wakes up sleeping agents that are waiting on the given index of the array, returning the
  ///  number of agents that were awoken.
  ///  @param typedArray A shared BigInt64Array.
  ///  @param index The position in the typedArray to wake up on.
  ///  @param count The number of sleeping agents to notify. Defaults to +Infinity.
  _i2.num Function(
    _i8.BigInt64Array typedArray,
    _i2.num index, [
    _i2.num? count,
  ]) $2,
}) get notify => (
      $1: _notify$1,
      $2: _notify$2,