load property

({num Function(Object typedArray, num index) $1, int Function(_IterableLike$<IterableIterator<int>> typedArray, num index) $2}) get load

Overload accessor: $1, $2


  /// Returns the value at the given position in the array. Until this atomic operation completes,
  ///  any other read or write operation against the array will block.
  _i2.num Function(
    _i2.Object typedArray,
    _i2.num index,
  ) $1,

  /// Returns the value at the given position in the array. Until this atomic operation completes,
  ///  any other read or write operation against the array will block.
  _i2.int Function(
    _IterableLike$<_i6.IterableIterator<_i2.int>> typedArray,
    _i2.num index,
  ) $2,
}) get load => (
      $1: _load$1,
      $2: _load$2,