resolveHandler property
A function provided by the extension that the editor may call to request
children of a test item, if the {@link TestItem.canResolveChildren} is
. When called, the item should discover children and call
{@link TestController.createTestItem} as children are discovered.
Generally the extension manages the lifecycle of test items, but under certain conditions the editor may request the children of a specific item to be loaded. For example, if the user requests to re-run tests after reloading the editor, the editor may need to call this method to resolve the previously-run tests.
The item in the explorer will automatically be marked as "busy" until the function returns or the returned thenable resolves.
@param item An unresolved test item for which children are being
requested, or undefined
to resolve the controller's initial {@link TestController.items items}.
_i4.FutureOr<void> Function([_i3.TestItem?])? get resolveHandler =>
([_i3.TestItem? p0]) => _i5.callMethod(
p0 ?? _i6.undefined,