retainContextWhenHidden property

bool? get retainContextWhenHidden

Controls if the webview element itself (iframe) is kept around even when the view is no longer visible.

Normally the webview's html context is created when the view becomes visible and destroyed when it is hidden. Extensions that have complex state or UI can set the retainContextWhenHidden to make the editor keep the webview context around, even when the webview moves to a background tab. When a webview using retainContextWhenHidden becomes hidden, its scripts and other dynamic content are suspended. When the view becomes visible again, the context is automatically restored in the exact same state it was in originally. You cannot send messages to a hidden webview, even with retainContextWhenHidden enabled.

retainContextWhenHidden has a high memory overhead and should only be used if your view's context cannot be quickly saved and restored.


_i2.bool? get retainContextWhenHidden => _i3.getProperty(